domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2024

WFA divulga pesquisa sobre a contribuição da publicidade na economia

Em pesquisa divulgada globalmente na segunda-feira (16/1), a WFA analisa, pela primeira vez, o impacto da publicidade na União Europeia, Canadá, Austrália, Japão e Coreia do Sul, com base em uma mesma metodologia. O informativo da WFA pode ser lido abaixo; estudo completo, também em inglês, está disponível aqui.

Today, 16 January, WFA published research which, for the first time, quantifies the impact of advertising on the economy across the EU28, Australia, Canada, Japan and Korea on the basis of a common methodology.

The research has been independently conducted by Deloitte and was funded by WFA, with the support of a range of European ad industry associations (agencies, TV, digital, radio) as well as partners in the UK (AA), France (coalition led by UDA), Germany (OWM) and Finland (ML).

The main conclusion is that, on average, 1 Euro spent on advertising generates 7 Euro to European GDP.

Additionally, it has been established that advertising supports almost 6 million jobs in the EU, equivalent to 2.6% of all EU employment.

The research also highlights that advertising provides personal and social benefits by funding or part funding media services. Advertising ensures that people benefit from news, entertainment and communications tools at a reduced cost or even for free across the full media spectrum, on TV, on the radio, and online.

Our main objective is to leverage the research results in order to call on regulators to agree a moratorium on further restrictions on advertising. For instance, in Brussels, the industry is faced with proposals for new advertising restrictions in the context of the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) and ePrivacy Directives.



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